Maintaining Skin Health with Natural Ingredients Jan 28th, 2020 [viewed 1 time] |
People often mention about beauty being only skin. Our insides are certainly important, but the skin is your first layer of defense against the outside world. Skin gives important clues to your overall health and so you must learn to take good care of it. Skin acts as a barrier that protects your body from invasion by bacteria and other possible environmental hazards. Your age and health are reflected by your skin right from your acne breakouts during your teenage years to the radiant glow of pregnancy. Therefore, we need to find the best ways to improve skin health and maintain healthy, glowing skin. One such product which goes by the name Natural Rose Water is created by distilling rose petals with steam. Rosewater is often used for its mild natural fragrance and an alternative to chemical-filled perfumes fragrant. It has been used for many years in both beauty products as well as food and drink products. Thought to have originated in Persia, what is now called Iran, rose water also comes with plenty of potential skin and health benefits. Oil from rose petals contains a number of powerful antioxidants that protect skin cells from damaging. These antioxidants have potential inhibitory effects that provide powerful cell protection as a result. Coming back to home after a long day of work will definitely take away that glow off your face. Applying Pure Rose Water can relax your mood and take away your stress. How? You ask. Well, Rosewater has strong antidepressant and anti-anxiety properties. The extract of rose petals can relax the central nervous system resulting in a sound sleep and a stress-free life. Apart from rejuvenating mental health, Natural Rose Water is often found in beauty products aimed to reduce wrinkles. This is mostly because it actually has anti-aging effects. In addition to soothing irritated skin, Pure Rose Water also reduces the appearance of wrinkles when applied topically. There’s another veteran product from Vedic times that I would love to recommend next for your skin health. Sandalwood or known to Indians as Chandan is prized as an excellent beauty ingredient in Ayurveda which is natural, reliable and effective. Several skin problems like pimples, dark spots, and dark circles are quite common these days. Our hectic lives and the ever-growing pollution have made it difficult for us to maintain our skin health. However, you may have to resort to external solutions. Natural Sandal Water, known widely for its wide range of medicinal properties, is an excellent beauty ingredient that is natural, reliable and effective. Usually available as a brown-beige smooth looking powder, when distilled with water gives us Pure Sandalwood Water which is also good for treating various skin ailments. Sandalwood water is often used as a home remedy for many skin conditions such as removing tan. It is highly imperative to save yourself from the harmful rays of the sun, and so using pure sandalwood water gives a cooling effect that reduces the redness caused due to sunburn. |